Adult Local Criminal Justice Construction (SB 863)
On June 20, 2014, Senate Bill 863 (Chapter 37, Statutes of 2014) became law. SB 863 authorizes up to $500 million in revenue bonds, notes, or bond anticipation note financing for the acquisition, design, and construction of adult local criminal justice facilities.
- SB 863 Summary of Awarded Projects
- SB 863 Proposals by County
- Summary of All Proposed SB 863 Projects
- SB 863 Timeline
- SB 863 Legislation
- Executive Steering Committee Meeting - November 2, 2015
- Bidders Conference - June 26, 2015
Request for Proposals - Released June 10, 2015
- SB 863 County Proposals Received and Funds Requested
- Request for Proposals (RFP)
- RFP Proposal Instructions
- RFP Proposal Form
- Bidders’ Conference Q&A - Updated August 14, 2015
Real Estate Due Diligence