Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision

The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is required to biennially review minimum standards for adult local detention facilities and make appropriate revisions pursuant to Penal Code section 6030, subdivision (a).

The BSCC has a longstanding practice of developing regulations and recommending revisions in partnership with stakeholders. This method of regulation development results in meaningful standards and ensures regulations are rooted in evidence-based and best practices.

On April 11, 2019, the Board approved the development of an Executive Steering Committee (ESC) to begin the regulations review and revision process. This webpage will provide a chronological list of links, information, and updates as they become available. If you are interested in receiving meeting information and other regulation and rulemaking activity updates via email, please subscribe to the Regulations Revisions ListServ.


May 25, 2023

The final Title 24 rulemaking file pertaining to the design and construction of adult detention facilities was submitted to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) on May 11, 2023. CBSC is a commission within the Department of General responsible for administering the process of approving and adopting building standards for publication in the California Building Standards Code.

Click here to view the Final Express Terms, Final Statement of Reasons, Updated Informative Digest, and the initial NOPA. For more information on CBSC’s 2022 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle, click here.


March 9, 2023

The Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA)* for Title 24 was published on March 9, 2023; a NOPA provides notice of the BSCC’s intention to adopt proposed regulations and marks the beginning of a 45-day public comment period.

Click here to view the proposed regulations and learn more about public comment opportunities.

*Correction: April 27, 2023
Please note that the NOPA published on March 9, 2023, erroneously listed "Local and Juvenile" detention facilities in the title of the document. However, this rulemaking applies to "Local Detention Facilities.”


December 23, 2022

The Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Regulations for Title 15 has been published on December 23, 2022; which provides notice to the public of changes made to the originally proposed regulations.  Click here to view the Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Regulations and learn more about public comment opportunities.


December 1, 2022

The Title 15 regulations proposed through the 2019 Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision process have been approved by the Office of Administrative Law and will become effective on January 1, 2023. Click here to view the regulations that will become effective January 1, 2023.

Please note that proposed changes to sections 1030 and 1065 were not approved by OAL for a January 1, 2023 effective date. BSCC is in the process of getting proposed changes to sections 1030 and 1065 approved for an April, 2023 effective date.


June 29, 2022

The Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Regulations for Title 15 was published on June 29, 2022; which provides notice to the public of changes made to the originally proposed regulations.

Click here to view the Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Regulations and learn more about public comment opportunities.


March 4, 2022

The Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA) for Title 15 was published on March 4, 2022; a NOPA provides notice of the BSCC’s intention to adopt proposed regulations and marks the beginning of a 45-day public comment period.

Click here to view the proposed regulations and learn more about public comment opportunities.


November 18, 2021

At its November 18, 2021, Board meeting, the Board of State and Community Corrections approved proposed changes to Titles 15 and 24 Regulations for Adult Detention Facilities. Regulation changes will be adopted according to the process and requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act through the Office of Administrative Law and the Building Standards Commission.


October 14, 2021

Video of the September 30, 2021 ESC Meeting

Information and materials from the September 30, 2021 meeting can be found under the September 20, 2021 heading.


September 20, 2021

The ESC will meet on Thursday, September 30, 2021, via zoom, to review recommended revisions and agree on final revisions for presentation to the BSCC Board. The following materials will be used by the ESC for review. For additional material used during the regulation revision process, refer to previous updates below. Zoom information is located on the meeting agenda.

September 30 Meeting Agenda

Updated Proposed Revisions Documents:

Title 15 Regulations:

Title 24 Regulations:

Public Comment will be limited to one (1) minute per person; public comment will be taken throughout the meeting before the ESC reaches consensus on approving proposed revisions.

Public Input Received:


September 3, 2021

Video of the August 31, 2021 ESC Meeting.

The next ESC meeting will occur on Thursday, September 30, 2021. Meeting details will be provided closer to the date.

Information and materials from the August 31, 2021 meeting can be found below under the August 16, 2021 heading.

August 16, 2021

The ESC will meet on Tuesday, August 31, 2021, via zoom, to review recommended revisions and agree on final revisions for presentation to the BSCC Board. The following materials will be used by the ESC for review. For additional material used during the regulation revision process, refer to previous updates below. Zoom information is located on the meeting agenda.

Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regs Revision ESC Member Roster 5.4.21

August 31 Meeting Agenda

Proposed Revisions Documents:

Public Comment will be limited to one (1) minute per person; public comment will be taken throughout the meeting before the ESC reaches consensus on approving proposed revisions.

Public Input Received:


August 12, 2021 Update

The next Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulation Revision ESC meeting will be held Tuesday, August 31, 2021, via Zoom. Due to concern over rising COVID-19 levels the meeting will not be held in-person as was previously planned. Meeting details and updated materials will be posted to this page on Monday, August 16, 2020.

June 1, 2021

Next ESC Meeting and Additional Public Comment Period:

The next Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulation Revision ESC meeting will be held Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Meeting details will be provided closer to the date.

At the 5/25/21 ESC meeting, we heard numerous comments requesting additional time for public input into the regulations, and specific requests to seek input from formerly system involved and people who are currently incarcerated. We have looked at the calendar and we are suggesting a schedule that ensures additional time for input while still allowing us to stay on track for Board approval in November, followed by the OAL process.

We are interested in ensuring broad input from all stakeholders; all interested people may continue to submit public comment on regulation revision through 7/31/21 by:

1. Completing a survey to propose revisions. This survey is now closed.

2. E-mailing feedback on specific proposed revisions to:

The initial proposed revisions can be reviewed here, updated documents will be posted to this page on Monday, August 16, 2021:

Proposed Revisions to Title 15 Definitions

Title 15 Regulation Revision Worksheets (Initial Proposed Revisions)*

Title 24 Regulation Revision Worksheets (Initial Proposed Revisions)

Additional information about the Regulations Revision Process may be found in the updates below. Questions may be submitted to

May 28, 2021

Video and Chat Transcript from the May 25 ESC Meeting

Please check back for an update on the date of the next ESC meeting. If you are interested in submitting public comment, please do so by either:

  1. Completing a survey to propose revisions. This survey is now closed.
  2. E-mailing feedback on specific proposed revisions to:

Information on the regulations revision process can be reviewed in the 5/19/21 materials below

May 19, 2021

Video and PowerPoint from the 5/19/21 Regulations and Process Overview

May 14, 2021 **Update**

On Wednesday, May 19, 2021 from 5:30pm – 6:30pm, BSCC will hold a public meeting via Zoom to provide an overview of BSCC’s regulations and the regulation revision process. The agenda will include discussion on how the public can participate in the regulation revision process.

This is a public meeting facilitated by BSCC staff and is not a meeting of the Executive Steering Committee, or Workgroups.

May 19 Meeting Agenda

May 4, 2021 **Update**

The ESC will meet on May 25, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM to review and discuss initial proposed revisions to Titles 15 and 24 of the California Code of Regulations. The following is the material that will be used by the ESC for review. For additional material used during the regulation revision process, refer to previous updates below.

Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regs Revision ESC Member Roster 5.4.21

May 25 Meeting Agenda
Summary Chart of Proposed Revisions PDF / Summary Chart of Proposed Revisions - Word
Title 15 Regulation Revision Worksheets (Initial Proposed Revisions)* 
Proposed Revisions to Title 15 Definitions
Title 24 Regulation Revision Worksheets (Initial Proposed Revisions)
How to use these materials

*Revisions for Nutritional and Environmental Health have not been completed. The ESC will discuss how to continue these revisions.

How Stakeholders Can Participate:

Stakeholder participation, which includes, but is not limited to, public employers and employees, healthcare providers, and community members is essential to the regulation revision process. We encourage and appreciate all feedback. Below are some steps that community members can take to be involved.

  1. Review 5/25/21 ESC meeting materials.
    See “How to use these materials”
    Submit questions to
  2. Submit feedback specific to proposed revisions at any time prior to May 25, 2021 (Survey will close at 11:59 PM on Monday May 24, 2021)
  3. Attend the May 25, 2021 4-6PM meeting.
    There will be opportunities for public participation throughout the meeting.  Information for public attendance is available in the meeting materials linked above.
  1. Questions?
    Please email at anytime


September 2, 2020

Subject Matter Workgroup Meetings to resume. The subject matter workgroup meetings that were postponed due to shelter-in-place orders are now being rescheduled as Zoom meetings. The schedule for meetings will be regularly updated as meetings are put on the calendar. Materials for each meeting will be available in the table below.

All meetings are open to the public and public comments are welcome. Information for public attendance will be available in each meeting’s agenda.

Workgroup Briefing Book
*Subject matter workgroup membership is subject to change based on individual availability; the Briefing Book will be routinely updated as necessary*

Subject Matter Workgroup Meeting Date Link to Meeting Material
10/13/20 & 10/14/20 Link
Programs and Services
9/29/20, 11/10/20, & 1/6/2021 Link
Minors in Detention
9/16/20 & 10/15/20 Link
Nutritional Health
TBD Pending
Environmental Health
TBD Pending
Physical Plant (Title 24)
10/20/20, 10/21/20 & 10/27/20 Link
Temporary Holding Facilities and Type I Facilities
9/23 & 9/24/20 Link
Safe Release of Inmates/Transportation and Discipline
10/26 & 10/27/2020


March 16, 2020

In accordance with a recommendation from public health officials that large public gatherings be canceled or postponed in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, the BSCC has cancelled all upcoming Workgroup and ESC meetings for the 2019-2020 Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision.

Workgroup meetings will be rescheduled, please continue to visit this page for updates.

February 28, 2020

Subject matter workgroups will review and consider ESC recommendations, public comments, national best practices and other issues and studies before making proposed amendments to the regulations. Proposed amendments will be presented to the ESC for consideration after each subject matter workgroup has met and completed their review. Questions about the workgroups should be directed to Ginger Wolfe:

Subject Matter Workgroup Schedule

Workgroups scheduled to occur throughout March and April, 2020 have been cancelled. Please continue to visit this page for updates.
An agenda is provided above as part of the Workgroup Briefing Book; additional material will be posted here, as necessary.

Subject Matter Workgroup Meeting Date
Classification and Segregation March 11, 2020, 8:00 AM
Medical and Mental Health March 10 & 11, 2020, 9:00 AM


January 14, 2020

The Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision ESC met on December 2, 2019, to review comments, recommendations, and issues that impact local detention facilities. The ESC agreed to convene the following subject matter workgroups to review their recommendations, in addition to all regulations in that subject matter area, and present their proposed revisions to the ESC at a date to be determined. A summary of ESC discussion may be found here.

Workgroups are tentatively set to convene in March 2020. If you are interested in participating on one or more of the workgroups listed above please submit your contact information, areas of expertise, and preferred workgroup(s) to Ginger Wolfe at (916) 621-2886 or This page will be updated when membership for each workgroup is full and meeting dates are scheduled.

November 26, 2019

ESC Briefing Book materials for the December 2, 2019 ESC meeting are available and may be viewed here.

November 21, 2019

The first meeting of the ESC will be on December 2, 2019 at 9:00 AM at the BSCC Offices in Sacramento, the agenda is located here. The ESC roster can be viewed here.

All ESC meetings are open to the public according to the Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act; the BSCC has been accepting public comment for ESC consideration and welcomes suggestions about topics to review during the revision process. On November 25, 2019, the BSCC will close the online survey for public comments or suggestions. All comments received up until November 25th at 5:00 PM, will be included in the ESC’s briefing materials. BSCC will continue accepting public comments after November 25th by regular mail and email ( All comments received after November 25th and up until 8:00 AM on December 2, 2019 will be provided to the ESC as handouts.

The ESC will be considering topics relevant to local detention facilities, and will provide direction to individual subject matter area workgroups. The ESC will develop workgroups reflective of particular subject areas; workgroup members will be selected to represent a balance of personal and professional expertise. Workgroups will review all regulations applicable to their subject matter area, with focus on ESC direction, and will provide recommendations for revision to the ESC in early Spring.

Workgroup meetings will also be open to the public. For updates and meeting information, please continue to visit this page.

November 18, 2019

The first meeting of the Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision ESC has been scheduled for December 2, 2019, click here to view the agenda.

October 10, 2019

BSCC is seeking input on an array of issues related the minimum standards for local adult detention facilities, such as adult jails, temporary holding facilities, and court holding facilities.  Any person may suggest changes to Titles 15 and 24.  The changes may be general or relate to specific sections.  All input is welcome.

Please use the 2019 BSCC Survey to provide comment or suggest changes to Titles 15 and 24 regulations.

October 4, 2019

The BSCC is seeking participants for the 2019-2020 Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulation Revision ESC. Members of the ESC will propose revisions to minimum standards for adult local detention facilities for BSCC Board approval. ESC Members will be appointed on a limited-term basis beginning in late 2019.

Please click the following link to find out how you can participate in the 2019-2020 Regulation Revision ESC: Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulation Revision Executive Steering Committee