BSCC Seeks ESC for Innovative Diversion Program
SACRAMENTO (July 11, 2016) – The Board of State and Community Corrections is looking for members to serve on an Executive Steering Committee that will determine funding for a new grant program that would provide intensive treatment and support services to certain low-level offenders as an alternative to incarceration. Successful programs in other states have been possible through positive collaboration between police, prosecutors, public defenders, advocates, mental health and drug treatment providers, housing providers, and business and neighborhood leaders. The Governor’s 2016-2017 Budget allocates $15 million to the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program. Grants will be allocated to three jurisdictions for three-year pilot programs that would divert to social service providers low-level drug offenders and those arrested for prostitution. The BSCC will contract with an outside evaluator such as a nonprofit research center or university to evaluate the effectiveness of the LEAD programs. The BSCC hopes to seat a limited-term executive steering committee at the September 2016 Board meeting. The BSCC is seeking members who will represent California’s population and its diverse racial, ethnic, geographic, gender and cultural perspectives and backgrounds. The BSCC seeks members who have professional expertise and life experiences related to the criminal justice system and treatment or diversion programs for low level drug offenses or prostitution. Government and community based representatives with expertise in diversion, housing, social services, case management, reentry and supportive services are needed. Individuals formerly involved in the criminal justice system are welcome. More information about the ESC is available here. . The ESC will write a Request for Proposals, and will discuss and deliberate what it will require of agencies that apply for funding. It’s important to note that any agency employer of an ESC member would not be eligible for funding. For more information about serving on the ESC, and to submit a statement of interest, please click here.