Committee Studying Regulation Updates Seeks Input

SACRAMENTO (Nov. 20, 2019) – The executive steering committee that will be updating regulations governing the operations and design of local adult corrections facilities has set December 2 as its first meeting.

The committee, which will be chaired by Sutter County Sheriff Brandon Barnes, is asking stakeholders, advocates and members of the public to submit suggestions for topics to be considered as part of the launch of the biennial process.

The committee was established after a statewide process that invited people to submit statements of interest outlining their interests and expertise. Pursuant to Penal Code section 6030, the committee is tasked with reviewing the adult Titles 15 and 24 regulations every two years, or as the need arises.

The ESC will consider topics relevant to local detention facilities, and will provide direction to individual subject-matter expertise workgroups that will be established to review specific topics. Topics that will be discussed include: suicide prevention, out-of-cell time, mental health, health care, and how minimum standards can appropriately apply to large- and small-facility populations.

Workgroups will review all regulations applicable to their subject matter area, with focus on ESC direction, and will provide to the ESC recommendations for revision in early Spring.

The ESC roster can be viewed here.

To submit feedback click here, or email the BSCC at Or by US mail to: Eliosa Tuitama, 2590 Venture Oaks Way, Sacramento, CA 95833. For consideration at the December 2 meeting the BSCC must receive feedback by November 25. Comments received after that date will be considered at future meetings.

All meetings will be open to the public. For updates and meeting information, please continue to visit the Adult Regulations Revision page:
