Two RFPs for Youth Diversion Released - Input sought on regs revision

The Board of State and Community Corrections today approved release of two new requests for proposals – both to fund diversion programs that would help young people involved in the justice system, or at risk of involvement.

The Tribal Youth Diversion Grant will provide $9.7 million for trauma-informed and health-based interventions for youthful members of federally recognized tribes. The Youth Reinvestment Grant, which is similar in structure, provides $10.5 million to implement programs for young people in underserved communities with high rates of juvenile arrests and a record of racial and ethnic disproportionality.

The Youth Reinvestment grant may be awarded to community-based nonprofit organizations, or to local government agencies that will pass through 90 percent of the funds to the CBOs that will deliver services. Successful proposals will fund programs that provide alternatives to arrest and incarceration by implementing appropriate interventions.

Applicants may request between $50,000 and $2 million for the three-year cycle of the grant. A 25 percent match is required, but areas with high need and little diversion program infrastructure can ask that the match be reduced to 10 percent.

The grant funds will be split into small, medium and large funding categories so that proposals compete against those of similar scope.

The diversion grant for tribal members will be awarded to federally recognized tribes either applying individually or as part of a regional partnership with other tribes. It is designed to help Indian children under age 18 facing entry into, or further involvement in the justice system. Interventions must be trauma-informed, community-based and health-based and should consider the historical trauma that has beset Native American communities. Applicants will apply in two population categories: urban and rural.

Tribal proposals are due back Feb. 21, 2020; proposals for the Youth Reinvestment Grant are due Feb. 14, 2020.

For more information on the grants contact Kimberly Bushard at