Welcome to the BSCC Newsroom
Welcome to the Board of State and Community Corrections Newsroom. This page includes articles about promising practices underway in the counties, press releases and announcements about the BSCC, and archived press materials released by the BSCC since 2013.
For Public Records Act Requests please contact the PRA Coordinator at BSCC.PRACoordinator@bscc.ca.gov or (916) 445-5073
For all other press inquiries please call Communications Director Tracie Cone at 916-322-1054 or tracie.cone@bscc.ca.gov
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Latest News
BSCC Approves New Prop 47 Grant Process
SACRAMENTO (Nov. 8, 2018) – The Board of State and Community Corrections approved a process to award the second round of Prop 47 funds to communities seeking to provide mental health and substance use disorder treatment and other services for those in the criminal justice system.
BSCC Approves JAG Grant Process
SACRAMENTO (Nov. 8, 2018) – The Board of State and Community Corrections approved the release of the Request for Proposals for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, pending the final judgment in a lawsuit between California and the federal government.
Chief Andrew Mills Joins BSCC Board

SACRAMENTO (Nov. 8, 2018) – BSCC Chair Linda Penner swore in Santa Cruz Police Chief Andrew Mills as the newest member of the Board today.
Chief Mills, with 35 years of law enforcement experience, has also served as Chief of Police in Eureka. He began his California law enforcement career with the San Diego Police Department. Mills was appointed to the Board by Gov. Jerry Brown.
To read Chief Mills’ bio please click here.
BSCC Approves New Prop 47 Processes
SAN DIEGO (Sept. 6, 2018) – The Board of State and Community Corrections gave agencies that received Proposition 47 grant funding a year longer to spend it, and approved the process for distributing the second round of funding under separate actions taken today.
BSCC Announces New Board Member

SACRAMENTO (July 23, 2018) – The Judicial Council of California has named retired judge Gordon S. Baranco as its member on the Board of State and Community Corrections.
Judge Baranco, a graduate of the UC Davis King Hall Law School, will serve a three-year term.
He served as Deputy District Attorney in the office of the San Francisco District Attorney; Managing Attorney for San Francisco Neighborhood Legal Assistance Foundation; and Assistant to the City Attorney in Oakland. He was the Founding Judge of the Alameda County Homeless and Caring Court and the Founding Judge of the Alameda County Parolee Reentry Court. The list of accolades awarded to him for both his legal work and his work in the Oakland community is long.
To read Judge Baranco’s entire bio please click here.
BSCC Awards Anti-Violence Funds, Announces Two New Grants
SACRAMENTO (July 12, 2018) – The Board of State and Community Corrections today awarded $9 million in violence-fighting grants and launched the process to distribute another $87 million in grants designed for youth diversion and adult reentry.
Governor Appoints 2 New BSCC Members; Re-Ups Perez
SACRAMENTO (June 28, 2018) – William Gore, 70, of San Diego, has been appointed to the Board of State and Community Corrections. Gore has been sheriff of San Diego County since 2009, where he was undersheriff from 2005 to 2009 and assistant sheriff from 2004 to 2005. He was chief of investigations at the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office from 2003 to 2004 and served in several positions at the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 1970 to 2003, including assistant director, unit chief, special agent in charge and special agent. Gore served in the U.S. Navy from 1969 to 1970. He earned a Master of Public Administration degree from Seattle University. This position requires Senate confirmation and there is no compensation. Gore is a Republican.
Leticia Perez, 41, of Bakersfield, has been reappointed to the Board of State and Community Corrections where she has served since 2015. Perez has been a member of the Kern County Board of Supervisors since 2013. She was a consultant for economic development and the state permitting process in the Office of California State Senator Michael Rubio from 2011 to 2012, served as an attorney at the Kern County Public Defender’s Office from 2008 to 2011 and was a community banker for Wells Fargo Bank from 2001 to 2003. She earned a Juris Doctor degree from the Valparaiso University School of Law. This position requires Senate confirmation and there is no compensation. Perez is a Democrat.
Mark Varela, 52, of Camarillo, has been appointed to the Board of State and Community Corrections. Varela has been director and chief probation officer at the Ventura County Probation Agency since 2010, where he has served in several positions since 1988, including chief deputy probation officer, division manager, supervising probation officer, senior probation officer and deputy probation officer. This position requires Senate confirmation and there is no compensation. Varela is a Democrat.
BSCC Awards Grants for Parenting, Substance-Use Treatment
SACRAMENTO (June 7, 2018) – The Board of State and Community Corrections today approved funding for two grants: one to help system-involved young people enrich their parenting skills, and the other to help inmates overcome substance abuse and related problems.
BSCC Approves State Plan to Prevent Delinquency
ONTARIO (April 19, 2018) – The plan that will be the blueprint for Title II federal grants designed to keep young people from becoming involved in the criminal justice system was approved today by the Board of State and Community Corrections.
BSCC Awards $9.2m in Anti-Violence Grants
ONTARIO (April 19, 2018) – The Board of State and Community Corrections today approved 20 grant awards worth $9.2 million to help reduce violence in communities across California.
BSCC Set to Release RFPs for 3 Key Grants
BSCC Issues Grants to Combat Organized Retail Theft
BSCC Awards Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Grant
Notice of Facility Unsuitability
BSCC Finds LA Juvenile Halls Unsuitable
Board Awards Millions in Grants; Releases 3 RFPs
Notice of Proposed Action – Title 24, Part 1 and 2, Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities
BSCC Gets New Members
Funding Available For Anti-Violence Practitioners
BSCC Awards $171m in Statewide Grants
BSCC Seeks Volunteers to Inform Grant Requirements
BSCC Awards $125m in Prop 47 Grants
Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Regulations
Governor Newsom Announces Record $156 Million in Grants to Proactively Prevent Gun Violence in California
BSCC Finds LA Central Unsuitable
CalVIP RFP Will Be Released Again to Allocate Surplus
First Analysis of Prop 47 Grant Program Shows Recidivism Reduction
Notice of Proposed Action – Title 15 Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities
BSCC Seeks Committee Members to Revise Juvenile Regulations
BSCC Releasing Two RFPs Supporting Treatment and Reentry Services
LA Juvenile Halls Found Suitable; New Issues Arise and Need Correction
Revised Facility Regulations Move Toward Best Practices
BSCC Seeks Members for Two Executive Steering Committees
CalVIP RFP To Be Released Nov. 19
BSCC Sends Notice of Unsuitability to LA County
BSCC Seeks Help With Fees Survey
BSCC Finds LA Juvenile Halls Unsuitable for Confinement of Minors
BSCC Seeks Prop 47 ESC Members
Help the BSCC Decide Federal JAG Spending Priorities – Second Request
BSCC Seeks Survey Input on Federal JAG Spending
BSCC Seeks ESC Members for Two Grants
Public Comment Period Opens to Determine Costs and Fees Charged by Counties to Juvenile Detainees and Families
BSCC Seeks Public Input on Strategic Plan Development
BSCC Awards Millions in Grants
Grant Available to Help Young Parents
BSCC Releases RFA for Youth Facility Upgrades; Awards Grants
BSCC Seeks SB 823 Input – Draft RFA Outline Available
BSCC Launches Strategic Planning Comment Process
Public Comment Period Opens for the Senate Bill 823, Youth Programs and Facilities Grant Program: PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD HAS BEEN EXTENDED THROUGH MARCH 22, 2021
BSCC Advances Youth Realignment Grant; Extends Coronavirus Grant Deadline
BSCC Surveys Counties on Division of Juvenile Justice Realignment Needs
BSCC Announces New Grant Opportunities
BSCC Juvenile Committee Seeks Input on Future Strategies
Help the BSCC Determine Spending Priorities for Federal Grant Program
Notice of 30-Day Comment Period Adult Reentry Grant
BSCC Seeks Members for RSAT ESC
BSCC Awards Grants from Cannabis Tax
BSCC Awards $37m in Anti-Violence Grants
BSCC Expedites Release of New Housing Assistance Grant Funds
BSCC Bans Training of Carotid Hold
BSCC Launches COVID-19 Dashboard
BSCC Approves COVID Funds to Help House up to 8,000 Leaving CDCR
Launch of Data Collection for BSCC COVID-19 Dashboard
TO: Sheriffs and Chief Probation Officers
FROM: Linda Penner, BSCC Chair
I am writing today to inform you of a new effort to provide publicly accessible information about COVID-19 cases inside of California’s county detention facilities, both adult and juvenile. The BSCC will create a COVID-19 dashboard that will launch July 31, 2020, and we are asking for your assistance in two ways:
BSCC Sets Emergency Meeting for July 16
BSCC Seeks Input on Federal COVID Funding
If you have any questions, please contact STC Deputy Director, Evonne Garner at Evonne.garner@bscc.ca.gov.
Linda Penner
Board of State and Community Corrections
Survey Shows Changes at Juvenile Halls, Ranches
Services Available for People Newly Released from Prison
Supplemental JPS and JDPS Data Now Available
BSCC Requests Supplemental JDPS, JPS Reporting
COVID-19 Additional Guidance to Adult Facilities
COVID-19 and BSCC Juvenile Visitation Guidance
COVID-19 and BSCC Reporting Requirements
BSCC Cancels Listening Session on Inspections, Regulations
COVID-19 Jail Notification Procedures Outlined
Hearings Set on Jail Inspections, Regulation Revisions
SACRAMENTO – The Board of State and Community Corrections has set the dates for three statewide listening sessions so that members of the public can give comments on separate but related topics: the agency’s efforts to improve jail inspections and the biennial update of the adult regulations governing jail operations.