The 2015 Budget Act, (Chapter 11, Statutes of 2015, Item 5227-102-001) allocates $20 million for front line law enforcement activities. Provision 2, of Item 5227-102-001, requires city law enforcement agencies that are recipients of this funding to provide data on the number of use of force incidents that result in death or hospitalization (defined as a patient admission to any hospital bed for treatment, regardless of the length of the hospital stay).

Not all city law enforcement agencies received funding, so the data should not be used to make statewide conclusions.

The data collection reporting cycles are as follows:

October 1, 2015-December 31, 2015 (data submitted by January 15, 2016)
January 1, 2016-March 31, 2016 (data submitted by April 15, 2016)
April 1, 2016-June 30, 2016 (data submitted by July 15, 2016)

Here is a link to the FAQs:

Data is available by reporting agency on the Agency Map and Agency Totals by County tabs. If data is not reported, then it will be displayed as "NR" throughout the dashboard.

Data will continue to be updated as non-reporting agencies submit data.