Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)

The JAG program is the leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The JAG Program provides states, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution, indigent defense, courts, crime prevention and education, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, planning, evaluation, technology improvement, and crime victim and witness initiatives and mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams. Read about Officer Edward R. Byrne.

The JAG Program is authorized by Title I of Public Law No. 90-351 (generally codified at 34 U.S.C. 10151-10726), including subpart 1 of part E (codified at 34 U.S.C. 10151-10158); see also 28 U.S.C. 530C (a)

2023 JAG Program

BJA requires states receiving JAG funds to develop a multi-year strategic plan for the JAG program. California updated its multi-year state strategy in 2022 and combined the information received from the most recent planning process with the Program Purpose Areas (PPA) that have been in place since 2013. Five PPAs were identified and each of these PPAs includes underlying priority areas of need. Applicants for 2023 JAG funding were restricted to proposals that address one or more of the identified PPAs and include one or more related priority areas of need.

PPAs Identified for 2023 JAG

  • Mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs
  • Drug treatment and enforcement programs
  • Prevention and education programs
  • Law enforcement programs
  • Prosecution and court programs

Successful proposals are funded for a 42-month grant term, a three-year grant service period (6/1/2023 to 6/30/2026) and a six-month period (7/1/2026-12/31/2026) for the sole purpose of completing a final evaluation report and a financial audit.

2023 Project Summaries

Small Counties

# County Lead Agency Program Purpose Area Award
1 El Dorado Public Defender's Office Prosecution & Court $660,000
2 Humboldt Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement $660,000
3 Lassen Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement, Prevention & Education $658,758
4 Madera Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement $660,000
5 Mariposa Probation Department Law Enforcement $654,615
6 Mendocino Public Defender's Office Prosecution & Court, Drug Treatment & Enforcement, Mental Health & Related Law Enforcement $660,000
7 Nevada Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement, Mental Health & Related Law Enforcement $617,000
8 Shasta Probation Department Prevention & Education $660,000
9 Tehama Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement $660,000

Medium Counties

# County Lead Agency Program Purpose Area Award
1 Butte Probation Department Prevention & Education, Drug Treatment & Enforcement $2,145,000
2 Placer Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement, Prevention & Education, Drug Treatment & Enforcement $2,145,000
3 San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health Prosecution & Court $2,145,000
4 Santa Barbara Public Defender's Office Law Enforcement, Prosecution & Court, Drug Treatment & Enforcement $715,000
5 Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office Prevention & Education $2,138,843
6 Solano Juvenile Probation Law Enforcement, Prosecution & Court, Prevention & Education, Mental Health & Related Law Enforcement $1,354,365
7 Sonoma Public Defender's Office Prosecution & Court $1,935,333
8 Stanislaus Public Defender's Office Prosecution & Court $2,145,000
9 Yolo District Attorney's Office Prosecution & Court $2,145,000

Large Counties

# County Lead Agency Program Purpose Area Award
1 Fresno Probation Department Prevention & Education $2,837,831
2 Los Angeles Public Defender's Office Prosecution & Court $6,000,000
3 Sacramento Public Defender's Office Prosecution & Court, Prevention & Education, Drug Treatment & Enforcement, Mental Health & Related Law Enforcement $3,136,875
4 San Diego Public Defender's Office Prosecution & Court $3,136,875
5 San Joaquin District Attorney's Office Prosecution & Court $3,130,751
6 San Mateo County of San Mateo Mental Health & Related Law Enforcement $3,067,989
7 Ventura Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement, Prevention & Education $3,136,875


Prior JAG Cohorts


JAG Resource Information

As California’s adult and juvenile public safety needs evolve, the BSCC periodically assesses how grant funding should be prioritized within the federal guidelines set by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).  A survey was created to help identify unmet and under-served needs within the eight Program Purpose Areas established by the BJA.

JAG Program Purpose Areas:

  • PPA 1 – Law enforcement programs
  • PPA 2 – Prosecution and court programs
  • PPA 3 – Prevention and education programs
  • PPA 4 – Corrections and community corrections programs
  • PPA 5 – Drug treatment and enforcement programs
  • PPA 6 – Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs
  • PPA 7 – Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation)
  • PPA 8 – Mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams

The Board considered the survey responses at its November 18, 2021 meeting for incorporation in the Request for Proposals for the current grant cycle.

JAG: Results of Information Gathering Process to Inform the Multi-Year JAG State Strategy

BSCC 2022 California JAG State Strategy



Contact the BSCC regarding the JAG Program

To provide general public comment submit an email to: JAG2022@bscc.ca.gov

JAG Contacts:



For FY 2017 JAG funding, OJP sought to impose conditions related to immigration enforcement as requirements for state and local governments to receive JAG funding. On November 20, 2018, a United States District Court for the Northern District of California entered an order enjoining the enforcement of these immigration enforcement conditions. Consequently, the Bureau of Justice Assistance will not enforce these conditions against the State of California or any subrecipients that receive JAG funding through the Board of State and Community Corrections.

State of California, ex rel. Xavier Becerra, Attorney General of the State of California v. Jefferson B. Sessions III, Attorney General of the United States, et al. Amended Judgement and Order