Grant Funded Programs
Active Grant Programs
The Adult Reentry Grant (ARG) program provides funding for community-based organizations to deliver reentry services for people formerly incarcerated in state prison. The grant was initially established in the Budget Act of 2018 (Senate Bill 840, Chapter 29, Statutes of 2018) and additional funding was allocated to this effort through the Budget Act of 2019 (Assembly Bill 74, Chapter 23, Statutes of 2019). The funding was allocated for three components of reentry services: Rental Assistance, Warm Handoff Reentry Services, and Rehabilitation of Existing Property and Buildings. A total of 70 projects (53 Warm Handoff Projects,16 Rental Assistance Projects and 1 Rehabilitation of Property Project) were awarded funding from this process and are currently underway.
The Budget Act of 2020 (Assembly Bill 89, Chapter 7, Statutes of 2020) appropriated additional funding for the Adult Reentry Program to be divided equally between Rental Assistance and Warm Handoff Programs and allocated as follows:
- $17.5 Million for Rental Assistance Programs
- $17.5 Million Warm Handoff Reentry Services
On August 13, 2020, to help with the urgent housing needs related to early state prison releases due to COVID-19, the Board approved 8 additional Rental Assistance awards (Rental Assistance Cohort II) from the ranked list of unfunded applicants in the previous round of 2019 ARG applicants.
A competitive-bid process was authorized by the Board on September 10, 2020 to award the funding for the Warm Handoff Reentry Services Cohort II appropriation. The grant development process and timeline can be found in the tab below - ARG Warm Hand-Off Reentry Services – Cohort II (7/1/21 – 2/28/25).
For more information click here
The State Legislature established the California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP) Grant Program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 to replace the CalGRIP grant program, which began in FY 2007-08. CalVIP provides funding for cities with the goal of reducing violence in the city and adjacent areas. Read more on the CalVIP home page.
The Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program is administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to fund approaches that prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. Read more on the CESF Home Page
The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), is the leading federal source of criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. Read more on the JAG Home Page.
The State Budget Act of 2020 (Senate Bill 74) appropriated funding for indigent defense grants to eligible county Public Defenders’ Offices and for an evaluation of the Indigent Defense Grant Program. Read more on the Indigent Defense Grant Program Home Page
The JJCPA program provides state funding for counties to implement programs that have proven effective in reducing crime and delinquency among at-risk youth and youthful offenders. The YOBG program provides state funding for counties to deliver custody and care (i.e., appropriate rehabilitative and supervisory services) to youthful offenders who previously would have been committed to the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice. Continue
The Juvenile Reentry Grant reimburses county probation departments for the supervision of youthful offenders discharged from the custody of the Division of Juvenile Facilities. Continue
$7 million is provided to local corrections agencies, through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), for a statewide mental health training initiative. The funding is distributed on a per capita basis to probation departments, sheriff’s offices, and police departments for mental health related training delivered to their staff from May 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020.
The funds, available through the BSCC, is distributed for two priority areas:
- Mental health related training for local corrections staff
- Instructor training for the new STC Behavioral Health training included in all three core training programs (JCO, ACO, and PO).
The first priority area is the delivery of mental health training for corrections staff, including line staff, supervisors, managers and administrators. Mental health training is broadly defined to include single training or multiple subject courses of training that include content such as signs and symptoms of mental illness, substance use disorder, trauma informed care, stigma and bias, crisis intervention, de-escalation techniques, and suicide prevention. The funds can only be used on STC certified courses and in the four STC approved categories of tuition, per diem, travel, and replacement costs.
The second priority area is statewide training for instructors on the new STC Behavioral Health Module that is included in the ACO, JCO and PO core training. Agencies that deliver their own core training are required to send one trainer. Additional slots will be made available for agencies that are interested in using the STC Behavioral Health Module for annual training. Agencies attending the training under this grant will receive free tuition to the class and all reasonable travel related costs will be reimbursed by the BSCC.
AB 1837 (2014) and California State Budget Act of 2014 – Part of the Recidivism Reduction Fund, this initiative allocated $4,750,000 in funding to up to three counties to enter into a pay for success project with the purpose of reducing recidivism. Grantees are Los Angeles, Ventura and Alameda counties. The grant cycle began June 1, 2016 and ends December 31, 2021.
- Pay for Success Grant Program Legislative Report, 2020
- Pay for Success Grant Program Legislative Report, 2019
- Pay for Success Grant Program 2018 Legislative Report
- Pay for Success Grant Program Background
- Pay for Success Project Summaries
- Pay for Success 2017 Legislative Report
- Pay for Success Request for Proposals
Proposition 47 was a voter-approved initiative on the November 2014 ballot that reduced from felonies to misdemeanors specified low-level drug and property crimes. Each year, the state savings generated by the implementation of Proposition 47 are deposited into the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund. Sixty-five percent of these savings are set aside annually for the BSCC to administer a competitive grant program. Proposition 47 required that these funds be awarded to public agencies to provide mental health services, substance use disorder treatment and/or diversion programs for those in the criminal justice system. Additional legislation requires that the grants be awarded competitively, specifies that funds may serve both adults and juveniles and also allows funds to be used for housing-related assistance and other community-based supportive services, including job skills training, case management or civil legal services. The BSCC requires grantees to partner with community-based organizations and pass through to them at least 50 percent of their award.
BSCC awarded the first round of Proposition 47 grants on June 15, 2017. Grants were awarded to 23 public agencies for a 38-month grant period, ending on August 15, 2020. To learn more about the Proposition 47 grant, click here.
Proposition 64, known as the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act, legalized the use of marijuana for those over the age of 21 and established laws to regulate the cultivation, distribution, sale, and use of marijuana. Read more
Proud Parenting Grant Program
The intent of this grant program is to provide parenting services and life skills to young parents and expectant parents aged 25 and under (at time of project participation enrollment) who are or were involved in the criminal/juvenile justice systems and/or considered crossover youth within the child welfare system. Funded grant programs will assist participants and their children by teaching valuable parenting skills, creating positive parent-child interactions, and improving co-parenting relationships.
For more information about the Proud Parenting Program click here.
Public Defense Pilot Program funds must be utilized for indigent defense providers, including public defenders, alternate defenders, and other qualifying entities that provide indigent defense in criminal matters for the purposes of workload associated with the provisions in paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 1170 of, and Sections 1170.95, 1473.7, and 3051 of, the Penal Code. Read more on the Public Defense Pilot Program page.
The RSAT Program is federally funded through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) as identified via Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CFDA number 16.593. This funding assists states and local governments in developing and implementing substance abuse treatment programs in state, local, and tribal correctional and detention facilities, and supports efforts to create and maintain community-based aftercare services for offenders. Historically, the California RSAT Program has funded state and local detention facilities to provide in-custody treatment services with an aftercare component requirement placed on the grantees. Read more on the RSAT Home Page
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 as amended at 42 U.S.C. Sections 5631-5633 (Public Law 93-415) – awarded to California by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) – Supports local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate projects directly, or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies, for the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs and reform efforts in delinquency prevention and juvenile justice system improvement.
- For information about the Title II Grant Program click here
The Tribal Youth Diversion (TYD) Grant program was originally established as part of the Youth Reinvestment Grant (YRG) that was created through enacted of the 2018 Budget Act (Chapter 29) and the related trailer bill (Chapter 36, Statutes of 2018). The 2019 Budget Act (Chapter 23) establishes the TYD Grant as independent from the YRG. TYD grant funds support Indian tribes in the implementation of diversion programs for Indian children using trauma informed, community-based, and wellness-based interventions. Funding supports diversion programs that address the needs of Indian children who experience high rates of juvenile arrests, high rates of suicide, high rates of alcohol and substance abuse, and average high school graduation rates that are lower than 75 percent.
For more information about the TYD Program, click here.
The Youth Centers Youth Shelters Program provided state funds for the acquisition, renovation, and construction of afterschool youth centers and overnight youth shelters throughout California; all funds have been disseminated.
This program utilized a variety of funding sources to enable cities, counties, and community-based organizations to acquire, renovate, and construct youth centers and youth shelters. The program helped to create 99 facilities throughout California.
Program Description
The Youth Centers and Youth Shelters Program involves four allocations of funds dedicated to the renovation and construction of local centers and shelters serving at-risk youth.
- The County Correctional Facility Capital Expenditure and Youth Facility Bond Act of 1988 (Proposition 86) provided $25 million for the acquisition, construction, renovation, and equipping of youth centers and shelters. These funds were awarded to 41 youth centers and 28 youth shelters.
- Ten years later, the Legislature passed AB 2796, which established the Gang Violence Prevention, Detention, and Public Protection Act and provided another $25 million for to nonprofit agencies to acquire, renovate and construct youth centers (Chapter 499, Statutes of 1998). This appropriation funded 24 additional centers.
- In 2000, Proposition 12 augmented the AB 2796 appropriation by $5 million, which funded five more youth centers.
- AB 1740 (Chapter 52, Statutes of 2000) included funds for one additional project.
Since this program involves grants of public funds, the law requires continuous monitoring of the youth centers and shelters (10 years for renovations of existing structures and 20 years for new facility construction).
Youth centers offer activities and services during non-school hours to children and teens (ages 6-17), including recreation, health and fitness, citizenship and leadership development, job training, anti-gang programs, teen pregnancy prevention programs, and counseling for problems such as drug and alcohol abuse. In addition to these basic program features, youth centers may offer mentoring, tutoring, culinary arts, gardening, computer skills training, music, arts and other activities.
Youth shelters provide services to assist runaway, homeless, abused and neglected youth with their immediate survival needs, complete their education and/or obtain employment, and help reunite them with their families or find a suitable home. Many shelters operate in conjunction with youth centers, allowing sheltered youth to take advantage of the full range of youth center programs and services when not in school or involved in activities related to family reunification or independent living.
List of Active Facilities - PDF
Youth Reinvestment Grant (YRG) Program
The Youth Reinvestment Grant (YRG) Program was established in the 2018 budget Act (Senate Bill 840, Chapter 29. Statues pf 2018) and the related trailer bill (Assembly Bill (AB) 1812, chapter 36, Statutes of 2018). In 2019 the YRG Program was modified by AB 1454. This program supports diversion of youth away from the juvenile justice system by providing grants to various agencies.
For more information about the YRG program click here.
CPGP Links
- July 2023 BSCC Grant Administration Guide
- July 2020 BSCC Grant Administration Guide
- July 2016 BSCC Grant Administration Guide
- Grantee Invoicing
- Grantee Progress Reports
- Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) Plans
- Annual Reports to the Legislature
- BSCC Data & Research
- California Grants Portal
- CPGP Resources
- CPGP Home
- BSCC Home