Testing in STC Core Courses
Instructors for Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) Core Courses are required to develop tests that are used to assess the outcome of core training. In this six-hour course, participants will learn general guidelines and principles for developing the three types of tests utilized in core courses. The basic principles of test development, guidelines for development, and key aspects for review and evaluation will be covered. Guided practice opportunities for developing the three types of test will be provided. Additionally, participants will identify test security components trainers should implement.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will have the knowledge and skills to:
- Describe basic principles of test development.
- Identify three types of job knowledge tests that are used to assess core course
learning objectives. - Given a learning objective, design a behavioral skills test (BST).
- Given a learning objective, design a written skills test (WST).
- Develop multiple choice test items that adhere to the multiple-choice item writing
guidelines. - dentify key aspects for reviewing and evaluating test items.
- Identify test security components that all trainers should implement.
For further information regarding this course, please contact your STC Core Field Representative:
John Prince (southern region) - (916) 322-1145 or John.Prince@bscc.ca.gov,
Mary Wakefield (central region) - (916) 324-9423 or Mary.Wakefield@bscc.ca.gov, or
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