About the Board of State and Community Corrections
Established in 2012, the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is an independent statutory agency that provides leadership to the adult and juvenile criminal justice systems, expertise on Public Safety Realignment issues, a data and information clearinghouse, and technical assistance on a wide range of community corrections issues. (Penal Code sec. 6024-6025). In addition, the BSCC promulgates regulations for adult and juvenile detention facilities, conducts regular inspections of those facilities, develops standards for the selection and training of local corrections and probation officers, and administers significant public safety-related grant funding.
Public Safety Realignment (AB 109, ch. 15, Stats. 2011) is the 2011 Governor-initiated legislation that keeps non-violent, non-serious, non-sexual offenders in local jails and on probation or in treatment programs instead of sending them to state prisons. The overarching goals of realignment are to protect public safety, reduce recidivism, and improve outcomes for offenders. Studies have shown that offenders kept closer to families and support systems have a better chance of rehabilitation.
The BSCC is charged with developing and maintaining information on Realignment programs and practices so that local entities can access information about promising practices and innovative approaches.
The BSCC also inspects for compliance of standards and directs funding for construction of local adult and juvenile detention facilities and ensures that the local jail projects meet recent Legislative mandates to provide program space to rehabilitate offenders.
The BSCC’s work involves extensive collaboration with stakeholders, including local probation departments, sheriffs, county administrative offices, justice system partners, community-based organizations, and others. The BSCC sets standards and provides training for local adult and juvenile corrections and probation officers. It is also the administering agency for a host of federal and state public safety grants, and it works to address the overrepresentation of youth of color in the juvenile justice system.
Policy for the agency is set by the 13-member Board of State and Community Corrections, whose members are prescribed by statute, appointed by the Governor and the Legislature, and subject to approval by the state Senate. The Board Chair reports directly to the Governor.
History of the BSCC
The Board of State and Community Corrections was established in statute effective July 1, 2012 to serve as an independent body providing leadership and technical assistance to the adult and juvenile criminal justice systems. A central part of its mission is to oversee public safety realignment goals that keep non-violent, non-serious, non-sexual offenders in local control where support services can help them successfully re-integrate into their communities.
The BSCC’s history dates to 1944 when the Board of Corrections was established as part of Gov. Earl Warren’s system-wide reorganization that improved prison conditions and centralized management. In 2004 the Corrections Standards Authority replaced the BOC within the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation following an independent panel’s finding that the prison system suffered from out-of-control costs and the highest recidivism rate in the nation.
The independent BSCC is vested with the CSA’s rights, powers, authorities and duties to set standards for the training of county corrections and probation officers. It also has a new mission to improve public safety through cost-effective, promising and evidence-based strategies and programs that manage and rehabilitate adults and young people.
Statutes relating to authority, programs and mandates are in the California Penal and Welfare and Institutions Codes, with operating regulations in Title 15 of the California Code of Regulations and physical plant regulations in Title 24.
Additional Helpful Links
California Chief Probation Officers
California Judicial Branch
California Police Chief's Association
California Probation, Parole and Correctional Association
California State Association of Counties
California State Sheriff’s Association
Stanford Criminal Justice Center
State Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)
The Partnership for Community Excellence Realignment Page