Federal Title II Formula Grants

The federal Title II Formula Grant Program supports local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate projects directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies for the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile delinquency and programs to improve the juvenile justice system. Please click “Background Information” above for more information on the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 2002 and the State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (SACJJDP) oversight.

California’s SACJJDP has dedicated $2.7 million dollars annually over the next four years in federal Title II grant funds for the four priority areas identified in the State Plan: Aftercare/Reentry, Alternatives to Detention, Diversion, and Delinquency Prevention projects. Additionally, these grant projects are incorporating evidence-based practices and strategies (which seek to use effective correctional interventions and data-driven decision-making models) and R.E.D. (the reduction of the overrepresentation of youth of color coming into contact with the juvenile justice system).

Grant projects began October 1, 2015 and will conclude September 30, 2019

California Youth Outreach (Monterey County) - $225,000

Centinela Youth Services (Los Angeles County) - $299,996

Community Works West (Alameda County) - $300,000

El Dorado County Probation Department - $149,985

Fresno County Probation Department - $300,000

North County Lifeline (San Diego County) - $297,000

Restorative Resources (Sonoma County) - $225,000

Santa Cruz County Probation Department - $196,200

Shasta County Probation Department - $146,938

South Bay Community Services (San Diego County) - $300,000

Watsonville Police Department (Santa Cruz County) - $225,000

Youth Employment Partnership* (Alameda County) - $94,881

Title II Project Summaries - PDF

Title II Formula Grant Program At-A-Glance

  • Title II grant projects are on an annual award cycle for up to four years; each subsequent annual award will be non-competitive and based on the project’s compliance with federal and state requirements.
  • Awards: Lead agency breakdown
    • Seven (7) community-based organizations (CBOs)
    • Four (4) county probation departments
    • One (1) city police department
  • Awards: county size breakdown
    • Two (2) small-sized counties (county population 200,000 and under)
    • Four (4) medium-sized counties (county population 200,001 to 700,000)
    • Six (6) large-sized counties (county population 700,001 and over)
  • Awards: priority areas
    • Five (5) Aftercare/Reentry:
      • California Youth Outreach, El Dorado County Probation Department, Fresno County Probation Department, Shasta County Probation Department, and Youth Employment Partnership
    • Two (2) Alternatives to Detention:
      • Santa Cruz County Probation Department and South Bay Community Services
    • Two (2) Delinquency Prevention:
      • Centinela Youth Services and Community Works West
    • Three (3) Diversion:
      • North County Lifeline, Restorative Resources, and Watsonville Police Department

Federal Performance Measures: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - Link

  • Projects are required to include treatment programs, practices, and strategies that have a demonstrated evidence foundation, and are appropriate and effective correctional interventions for the youth population.
  • Title II grant project staff are encouraged to attend training opportunities that will assist in examining project service delivery for perceived inequities and actual disparities that may exist within systems that support the juvenile justice involved or at-risk population (reducing racial and ethnic disparity and disproportionality).