Juvenile Reentry Grant

The Juvenile Reentry Grant (JRG) program was established to provide local supervision of youthful offenders discharged from the custody of the Division of Juvenile Facilities. Specifically, the JRG is intended to reimburse county probation departments for the costs associated with housing youthful offenders (including the costs of supervision, programming, education, and incarceration) following release from the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ)


County Allocations

County allocations of JRG funding are based on two factors:

  1. The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice provides an annual report identifying each ward discharged from a DJJ facility.
  2. The Board of State and Community Corrections, provides an annual report on discharged wards who are returned to a local juvenile detention facility for violating a condition of court-ordered supervision during the first 24 months after the ward's initial release to local supervision.

The BSCC’s responsibilities are tied exclusively to the second factor. When Juvenile Justice Realignment shifted the responsibility of supervising youthful offenders from the state to the local level, the role of collecting data from each county regarding the number of youthful offenders housed in local juvenile detention facilities was assigned to the BSCC. This data is organized into a single report and submitted to the Department of Finance on an annual basis. When a claim for reimbursement is approved, payment is made directly to county probation departments by the State Controller’s Office.

Unlike competitive grant programs, JRG funding is not awarded based on submitted proposals. Rather, JRG funds are provided as reimbursement to county probation departments that housed one or more youthful offenders in a local juvenile detention facility, under the following criteria:

  • The youth was released from a DJJ facility within the past 24 months.
  • After the youth’s release from a DJJ facility, he/she received a probation violation.
  • Upon violating probation, the youth was/is housed in a county juvenile detention facility (not an adult facility).

County probation departments are invited to subscribe to the JRG email list to receive annual reminders for county JRG reporting.


JRG Resources

2023-2024 Juvenile Reentry Grant Reporting Template (This report is due annually on August 1st)

Juvenile Reentry Grant Governing Statutes

Welfare & Institutions Code (WIC) Sections 1980 et seq., authorize counties to receive annual allocations from the Juvenile Reentry Fund and specifies these funds “shall be expended exclusively to address local program needs for persons discharged from the custody of the Division of Juvenile Facilities. County probation departments, in expending the Juvenile Reentry Grant allocation, shall provide evidence-based supervision and detention practices and rehabilitative services to persons who are subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court who were committed to and discharged from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Facilities. “Evidence-based" refers to supervision and detention policies, procedures, programs, and practices demonstrated by scientific research to reduce recidivism among individuals on probation or under post release supervision.” The WIC codes further specify that “The funding provided under this chapter is intended to provide payment in full for all local government costs of the supervision, programming, education, incarceration or any other cost resulting from persons discharged from custody or held in local facilities pursuant to the provisions of this act.”


Subscribe to the JRG Mailing List



Contact the BSCC regarding the Juvenile Reentry Grant

If you need assistance please send an email to Adam.Lwin@bscc.ca.gov or bsccjrg@bscc.ca.gov